Friday, May 11, 2012

My Guide to Being Unprepared

I am completely obsessed with clean skin. I feel like I am the Queen of spa days. Whenever I have a free day, you can find me whipping up some type of natural facial trying to perfect my skin. I love cleaning and pampering my skin as almost a daily ritual.
This is how I would look on a normal day.

Now when I wear makeup, I go all out... heavy coverage foundation, loads of eyeshadow, a crap-ton of mascara... and then I find myself sometimes in this predicament....
When I'm at a place and I end up staying there hours longer than expected and I have that urge to wash my face but have no makeup remover or cleanser with me.
(This happens to me far too much... Hence the reason I am making this a post)

I have become the Queen also the the unprepared. I feel like now that I have been so unprepared in so many situations that I have become an expert on it... so this is my guide.

These are great. Just great. Review will come later.
Something I have determined is an awesome (and painfully obvious) idea for making sure you have a clean face on the go and carrying travel makeup wipes. God only knows how many times I have been so grateful that I brought those suckers in my purse. If your skin is too sensitive for the wipes that come in the travel container (this has happened to me before), then look for the replacement pack for the wipes you use already. They come in a plastic pack that shouldn't be too bulky. If you have a feeling you'll need them, bring them. (At least that's what I think).
I have never used these but I hear they are all natural. Good for sensitive skin!

Now, you forget your makeup wipes... what now?
A lot of people forget you can use just mild facial cleanser to remove the majority of makeup, even your eye makeup. If you are at someone's house, ask if they use facial cleanser, and if it's MILD, you can use it on your eyes.
Please keep in mind this is for emergency face cleansing ONLY. I wouldn't recommend always using cleanser on your eyes.
A mild cleanser would be Cetaphil or Olay for Sensitive skin.

If there is no cleanser, or no wipes, either you might want to make a run to the store or ask if they have olive oil or coconut oil. You can use these as makeup remover and then if they have ANY soap you can clean off the residue. I recommend this is if there is NO other option. This way, you will have a clean face for that day/night and not have to worry about breaking out in painful zits or having itchy eyes. If you have any other suggestions, let me know in the comments!

Since I am the Queen of unpreparedness, I have come up with another rule.
If you suspect you will be at any place for a prolonged time, do NOT dress uncomfortably!
Now, that doesn't mean don't dress nicely. It's very possible to be comfortable and cute. My mantra is, "Everything has to feel like pajamas."
When I buy clothes, I have to be comfortable in them.
If I can't sleep in it, I won't wear it to some place where I will be
1. Moving around a lot
2. Sitting uncomfortably for a long time
3. Possibly staying over night.
4. Dancing uncontrollably.

(4 is an option I don't usually include)

I bought a maxi dress that could literally be a nightgown. It's not, but I wore it once to sleep and it was one of the best nights sleep I had ever had. It was so comfortable. (It also gave me a plus of waking up feeling like royalty, which I enjoy.)
I'm  not saying wear pajamas everywhere. I own a lot of beautiful and stylish uncomfortable clothes that I choose over my cute pajama-esque clothes. I just always dress with precaution.

And those are my words from my lessons learned!

Your Queen of the Unprepared,

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