Thursday, May 10, 2012

Weight-loss "Plan"

If you are looking for the workout plan, scroll down!

I'm not an advocate of dieting. Mainly because I know I don't have that kind of control. I love food too much.
And my love of food has brought me to this point... the point of weight gain!
In the past year I've gained a lot of obvious weight.
Now, I've never been a skinny girl. I've always had "thunder thighs", which is something that you could say was genetic.
I've always been a lazy girl too. It's not that I don't want to exercise , because I do want to. It's just that I never have motivation... but recently I feel like I've had many realizations about my life and I'm making changes.
Now that I have a bunch of free time on my hands, I will be able to work out everyday (or whenever I choose) and monitor my food choices (as well as blog).

My lover & I decided that we will do this together and do P90X. If you don't know what P90X is, I will tell you (or Wikipedia will tell you, because this was taken from there.)

P90X is a 90-day program that combines a variety of exercise techniques including strength trainingcardioyogaplyometrics, and stretching. The program consists of a nutrition guide, fitness plan, calendar and series of DVD videos featuring Horton as instructor assisted by several male and female fitness models who demonstrate a variety of techniques. For workouts that requireweights, for example, one of the models demonstrates the exercise using elastic resistance bands. The models also demonstrate some moves at lower and/or higher levels of intensity. P90X provides a fitness test to determine if the program is suitable for an individual.

I pulled that from Wikipedia (as stated before) so you can click the links if you're interested in all that. Basically it's DVDs that are super intense for muscle training extreme weight loss. I watched a little bit of the plyometrics and it was really intense... too intense from me. I'm definitely modifying these workouts to be Paige-friendly.

In addition to doing modified Paige-friendly workouts, I've bought running shoes (motivational running shoes) and a sports wear (again, motivational sports wear) to get me going. Nothing like spending money to really get you off the couch, right?

So is my workout plan that I completely came up with myself:

I am going to be doing this until I feel like I am ready to take on P90X! Every morning I'm going to try to get out there and at least do the walking/jogging/sprinting part of my workout and then come home and do some of the others.

Also for nutrition, I've been drinking a lot of those Naked drinks and their competitor, Boathouse Farms. Boathouse Farms is cheaper, so I tend to buy it more. They are delish! A lot of servings of fruit all in one... I like it more than coffee (sometimes) to make me feel more awake and alert!

If you have any suggestions, comment below!

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